SOTA Winter/Spring Semester
SOTA Winter/Spring Semester
4:15-5:30 Ballet III
Ages 12—14*
4:15-7:00 Combo III
Ages 12—14*
5:45-7:00 Modern III
Ages 12—14*
* = age 14 - adult: beginners or inexperienced dancers
Ballet and Modern Dance Classes begin the week of
January 6 and run for 20 weeks through May 23.
The Spring Dance Recital is on Saturday, May 10 at 2pm in the WAHS Auditorium.
Dance Class Schedule
8:30-9:30am Praise Movement
Adult class
10 - 11 am Homeschool Ballet I Ages 6-9
11 - 12:15pm Homeschool Ballet II Ages 9-12
3:45-4:15 Creative Movement Ages 3-4
4:15-4:45 Pre-Ballet
Ages 4-5
5:00-6:00 Ballet I
Ages 6-9
6:00-7:15 Ballet II
Ages 9-12
7:30-9:00 Pointe II *
* must be approved by Theresa
Ballroom Dance Classes - 8 weeks:
January 10,17, 24, 31, February 7, 21, 28, March 7
next series of classes:
March 21, 28, April 4, 11, 25, May 2, 9, 16
5:00-7:30 Ballet IV
Ages 14—adult
5:00-9:15 Combo IV
Ages 14—adult
7:30-9:15 Modern IV
Ages 14—adult
4:15-5:00 Modern I
Ages 6-9
5:00-6:00 Modern II
Ages 9-12
6:15-7:30 Pointe I
* must be approved by Theresa
6:30 - 7:20
Ballroom Class 1
7:30 - 8:20
Ballroom Class 2